Revolutionize Your Group and Individual Benefits Sales Processes!


Imagine spending hours manually processing complex insurance data, compiling information for quote requests, and preparing detailed presentations. It’s a frustrating and inefficient process. SegicPro is designed to transform and automate sales processes in the Group and Individual Benefits sector.

At Segic, we understand your challenges. With years of experience developing innovative solutions for the insurance and benefits sector, we created SegicPro using the cutting-edge Microsoft Power Platform Copilot technology. This platform seamlessly and effectively integrates artificial intelligence, eliminating low-value activities and automating laborious processes.

In this article, you’ll discover how SegicPro can streamline your operations and save you valuable time and resources. We’ll guide you through the key features of SegicPro, its potential impact on your organization, and how to easily implement it into your existing systems.

Challenges in Sales Processes

Sales processes in the Group and Individual Benefits industry are often cumbersome and tedious. Capturing client needs, drafting specifications, requesting quotes, and preparing presentations are essential but arduous tasks. The shortage of human resources amplifies these challenges, making it even more crucial to find innovative methods to automate and optimize these processes.

Overview of SegicPro

SegicPro is an advanced extension developed by Segic to modernize and digitize sales processes in the Group and Individual Benefits industry. Leveraging the Microsoft Power Platform Copilot, SegicPro uses AI-based tools to automate the capture of needs, analyze insurance proposals, and compare offers.

How SegicPro Works

SegicPro transforms the sales process by automating several key steps:

Automation of Needs: Quickly and accurately capture information related to benefits programs through an intuitive user interface and AI-driven dynamic suggestions.

Proposal Analysis and Processing: Use advanced algorithms for detailed analysis and effective comparison of different insurance proposals.

Offer Comparison: SegicPro enables fast and accurate comparison of insurance and related provider offers, ensuring the best options are easily and quickly accessible.

AI Integration for Bid Analysis: AI automatically analyzes responses to bid requests, consolidating information into an Excel file ready to be integrated into the presentation binder.

Customization of the Presentation Binder: The binder template is in Word format, allowing complete customization to meet each client’s specific needs.


Implementation and Support

The implementation of SegicPro is simple and flexible. Developed on the Microsoft Power Platform Copilot and installed in the Microsoft Azure cloud, SegicPro ensures seamless integration and efficient data management. We offer our clients the ability to evolve the solution according to their specific needs with dedicated support and customization services.


By opting for SegicPro, you choose a solution that not only meets current requirements but also adapts to the future evolution of your needs, supported by Segic’s continuous innovation. Don’t let manual sales processes slow your growth. The potential impact on ROI and efficiency gains is immense, making SegicPro indispensable for any organization looking to improve its operations.

Contact us today for more information on SegicPro.

Danny Boulanger
Phone: 514-880-7704


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